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Entertainment Lifestyle

The EMOTIVE performance of Miguel Ángel Muñoz and AlexTopDancer | Grand Final | The Dancer

The dancer’s performance with his coach, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, the most talked about of Monday’s gala

He did not manage to win the title of ‘Best dancer in Spain’ in The dancer, but the young Mallorcan Álex Mandon Rey was classified among the four best of the TVE dance program in a close final that was finally won by Macarena Ramírez, aspiring of the team of Lola indigo, with her spectacular flamenco dance.

Álex, better known on social networks as Tik tok as ‘Alextopdancer’, presented in the final a choreography accompanied by laser beams in which he combined songs of different styles, a mix that allowed him to demonstrate his different ways of dancing and that captivated the jury and the public.

But perhaps the most spectacular thing about his time on the last program of the first season of The Dancer is his performance with his coach and captain, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, with whom he performed a choreography created by the Mallorcan solo that both danced dressed in white. bare-chested.

The Mallorcan Álex Mandon, among the four best of ‘The Dancer’

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