Entertainment LifestyleOleksandr Guk performs from Time&Glass’s team ‘Still Loving You’ by Scorpions – The knockouts – Voice.KidsNaturalmethodDecember 27, 2021December 27, 2021 by NaturalmethodDecember 27, 2021December 27, 202102056 Next on the stage was Freddie Mercury’s fan Sasha Guk. Nadya said that she is more worried about this guy, because he still does not...
Entertainment LifestyleTayisiya Skomorohova performs “Simply The Best” by Tina Turner – Blind Audition – Voice.Kids – season 5.NaturalmethodNovember 1, 2021November 1, 2021 by NaturalmethodNovember 1, 2021November 1, 202103358 The seven-year-old singer entered the blind auditions on May 26, performing Tina Turner’s hit Simply The Best. As a result, she managed to “turn” the...
Entertainment LifestyleLoeka in The Voice Kids with Adore You from her amazing idolNaturalmethodOctober 18, 2021October 18, 2021 by NaturalmethodOctober 18, 2021October 18, 202102131 Loeka sang ‘Adore You’ by Harry Styles at The Blind Auditions. Styles is a huge idol to Loeka and she brought a large hardcover version...