Entertainment Lifestyle3 year old Claire sings Part of Your World from Disney’s Little Mermaid, her favorite pre-Frozen era song.NaturalmethodApril 10, 2022 by NaturalmethodApril 10, 202201711 This little girl plays the role of “Part of Your World” in what is possibly the cutest viral video ever. Kids today have “Frozen” and...
Entertainment LifestyleAngelina Deryabin. “Part of Your World” – Blind auditions – The Voice Kids Russia –NaturalmethodOctober 31, 2021October 31, 2021 by NaturalmethodOctober 31, 2021October 31, 202104126 Angelina Deryabina Angelina Deryabina. She was born in 2010 in Moscow. Russian singer. Participant of the show “Voice. Children. Season 7 “. Angelina Deryabina was...