Egon is the winner of the 9th season of “The Voice Kids” in 2021. With his special voice and soulful appearances, he was considered a favorite from the start and also lived up to this role in the final.
He prevailed against his competitors and thrilled the audience. Egon really wants to become a singer one day, he also plays the piano and guitar and writes his own songs.
Musically, Egon is a fan of Cro, but he names his stepfather Tom as a great role model, who unfortunately recently passed away and left a big gap. Egon dedicates his blind audition song “Flügel” by Max Prosa to him, which moved all coaches to tears. A four-way buzzer was only the logical consequence for its performance.
Egon sorgte in den Blind Auditions mit seiner Geschichte und seiner atemberaubenden Performance von