This is one of those amazing spectacular auditions. The US X Factor auditions have brought some great talent to our screens.
Jeffrey Adam Gutt’s dad sang “Hallelujah” during his X Factor USA audition with a complete and impactful style. He said he wanted a record deal for himself and his son so he could give his son what he deserves.
“You nailed that thing out of the park,” L.A. “You have a wonderful grit in your voice,” Demi mused. “God even shakes right now,” she said as a thunderous clap of thunder cut across the room. Simon said, “It was one of the best auditions I’ve ever heard.” Four more fat yeses!
This audition is for all dads who want to make their kids proud. Imagine how many times Jeff practiced his talent, controlling his voice, breathing, pitch and tone
Jeffrey Adam Gutt’s ‘Hallelujah’ audition,he wants to give his son a better life,This is an audition for all dads who want to make their kids proud.