Natural Method
Entertainment Lifestyle

Chris Pratt proves he’s a ‘real’ magician by bossing card trick on The Graham Norton Show

Chris Pratt may be a full-blown hilarious good-looking man when it comes to being an A-list Hollywood star, but he just revealed another great trick up his sleeve.

The 37-year-old actor owns a hot blockbuster after his roles in Jurassic World and Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, but it turns out that Pratt also has a penchant for pleasing audiences thanks to the noble art of magic cards.

Appearing on The Graham Norton Show with co-stars Jennifer Lawrence, and Jamie Oliver, Pratt revealed his magical abilities after Norton drew a deck of cards.

“You have to be very careful when you practice in the dark arts,” Pratt joked. “This is a brand new deck, I haven’t seen this deck yet, you haven’t shown me the deck… Are you interested?”

Despite saying that it had been a while since his magic days, Pratt later attempted to perform a trick called Burn ‘Em that works ‘50% of the time’ to will.i. am.

After a series of false speculations that made all hope of the illusion seem lost, the actor completely stunned audiences by revealing that it was all a ruse – even Jennifer Lawrence’s jaw dropped. floor.

Chris Pratt stuns the audience with his magic skills on The Graham Norton Show

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