This is the adorable moment an American tourist experienced a close encounter with a baby elephant during a trip to Thailand. Footage shows Jane Hight...
Jimmy Fallon hosts all-star music game nights! Ariana Grande and Kelly Clarkson go mic-to-mic in a Mixtape Medley showdown singing their rendition of popular songs...
Tourists participating in a hunting tour in South Africa suddenly discovered a lion “pulling” with their SUV sports car. The tour guide accompanying the group...
Luca Di Stefano walked onto the America’s Got Talent stage and seemed a little more reserved. The 19-year-old from Sicily might have just been nervous,...
Nine-year-old Keira Laver from Dagenham appeared on Saturday’s latest episode on ITV. This adorable audition on The Voice UK Kids made all 4 coaches turn...
Lauren & Terrell are going all in with this SLICK spy-themed street dance, full to the brim with miraculous moves and amazing acrobatics! Lauren Halil...