Natural Method

Too scary, the performance of “Haunted Girl” Sacred Riana was cut short by America’s Got Talent, causing disappointment

At the quarterfinals of America’s Got Talent, the performance of “Haunted Girl” Sacred Riana was cut short by the program when it was posted on Youtube, leaving fans disappointed.
On August 21, the quarterfinal night of the popular TV show America’s Got Talent aired with the return of the “demon girl” Sacred Riana. In the last night, Sacred Riana performed a summoning performance, summoning a series of ghosts with the same shape as her and being chased by them hanging upside down on the wall full of fear. According to the audience present at the scene, because the female magician’s performance was too scary and scary, many viewers of the American Talent Search program fainted, even panicked and ran away. seat.

After the broadcast, the performance of “the demon girl” The Sacred Riana was posted on the program’s official Youtube page. However, this performance was quickly deleted by America’s Got Talent and then re-uploaded a new video clip that was cut short and lost the ending, making the audience extremely angry. Currently, The Sacred Riana’s performance has attracted millions of views on the program’s Youtube page and received thousands of controversial comments asking to upload the full version of the above magic performance.

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